Amateur Radio, also known as Ham Radio is a hobby that began a long time ago and has
a long history of people who have helped their fellow man through floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, power
blackouts, and other disasters. By providing emergency communications in times of need and also by communicating with
other ham operators around the world amateur radio operators encourage international goodwill and friendship. By utilitizing
analog modes like voice and Morse code, or digital modes like Radio Teletype (RTTY), packet radio using computers, and Amtor
on Frequencies from 1.6 Megahertz to microwave, Ham Radio has something for everyone. Also you no longer need to
learn morse code to obtain an amateur license. The license is easy to get and will cost little for the years of enjoyment that
you can get out of it. If you would like to learn more about ham radio or how to earn your license contact:
The American Radio Relay League
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594-0200
or click on the ARRL link below:
The A.R.R.L. Operating Station W1AW |
Links of Interest:
The American Radio Relay League Website
Photo Credits
Photo of W1AW Courtsey of The American Radio Relay League